
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
Hi, I was wondering if there was any way possible, aside from JAMF, to automate the installation of system extensions without the need for user interactions, something similar to `spctl kext-consent`. The use case would be for testing builds without needing to interact with the test machine. Thanks!
by Will Yee.
Last updated
Post marked as solved
6 Replies
Hello, I've got my system extension loading from my binary which is located in a *.app inside /Applications. I get the proper prompts to allow the system extension to load via System Preferences -> Security when my process is running in the context of a launchdaemon. However when my process attempts to call `deactivationRequestForExtension`, the request fails with "OSSystemExtensionErrorDomain error 13". Looking up this error it seems that it is defined as `OSSystemExtensionErrorAuthorizationRequired`. I also see the following in the Console regarding why this may have failed.default 14:56:56.581780-0700 opendirectoryd getpwuid failed with result Not Found error 14:56:56.583919-0700 authd Fatal: interaction not allowed (session has no ui access) (engine 237) default 14:56:56.583939-0700 authd Failed to authorize right '' by client '/Applications/' [40455] for authorization created by '/Applications/' [40455] (3,0) (-60007) (engine 237) default 14:56:56.584357-0700 MyApp failed to create authref: -60007Is the deactivation request failing due to a bug in the System Extension framework or is this by design or perhaps I'm doing something wrong? Thanks!
by Will Yee.
Last updated